Economic hitmen are individuals who manipulate nations through various tactics to serve the interests of powerful corporations and governments. Their actions often result in the exploitation of resources, the accumulation of debt, and the suppression of local economies.

In this article, we will explore the concept of Economic Hitmen and how America allegedly took over the world through economic manipulation and coercion.

It is important to highlight that the strategy used by economic hitmen from the US to allegedly take over the world was also implemented in Lebanon, playing a significant role in the collapse of the Lebanese republic. This strategy involved economic manipulation and coercion to serve the interests of powerful entities, resulting in the exploitation of resources (soon), accumulation of debt, and suppression of the local economy.

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The Role of Economic Hitmen

In the realm of international politics and economics, there exists a clandestine group known as Economic Hitmen. These individuals wield immense influence and power, quietly shaping the economic policies of other nations. Their actions often have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only the targeted countries but also the global economic landscape. In this article, we will delve into the definition of Economic Hitmen and explore some short examples to shed light on their elusive role.

“Fear and debt drive this system. We are hammered with messages that terrify us into believing that we must pay any price, assume any debt, to stop the enemies who, we are told, lurk at our doorsteps.” – John Perkins, Former Economic Hitman

Definition of Economic Hitmen

Economic Hitmen, regarded as exceptionally proficient individuals in their field, possess an array of advanced skills and expertise that allow them to artfully and shrewdly manipulate the economic policies of nations other than their own, all with the ulterior motive of advancing their own interests. These highly sought-after professionals are frequently enlisted by influential entities, be it immense corporations or even governments themselves, acting as strategists in order to guarantee that foreign nations align their economic goals harmoniously with the overarching objectives set by their employers. Functioning under the shroud of secrecy, these clandestine agents skillfully navigate through a multitude of tactics, employing a diverse range of strategies to effectively assert control over the economic decision-making processes of the countries they target.

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A Short Example:

To gain a deeper comprehension of the profound impact that Economic Hitmen have in shaping various socio-economic dynamics, let’s delve into a couple of concise yet illuminating examples that shed light on their significant role. An exemplary instance that vividly portrays the intricate workings of an Economic Hitman involves a multinational corporation, driven by an insatiable desire to acquire unrestricted access to immensely valuable and finite natural resources prominently found within the borders of a promising yet vulnerable developing nation. Recognizing the unparalleled potency wielded by the employment of an Economic Hitman, the aforementioned corporation strategically employs the services of these adept individuals with the explicit objective of craftily negotiating a series of trade agreements that place an unwarranted emphasis on their own self-serving interests, vigorously advocating for exploitative terms that unapologetically tilt the scales in their favor, utterly disregarding the socio-economic welfare of the hapless host country, thus perpetuating a cycle of disempowerment and inequality.


One notable example that reveals the extent of control exercised by Economic Hitmen pertains to the utilization of debt as a potent tool for manipulation. These individuals, with their ulterior motives, not only advocate for the provision of loans and financial aid to specific countries but also possess the foresight that these indebted nations will inevitably find themselves incapable of repaying such debts. Thus, this calculated maneuver traps these nations in an ongoing, vicious cycle of dependency, rendering them increasingly susceptible to the Economic Hitmen’s insidious influence over their economic policies and decision-making processes, which, needless to say, are consistently steered in favor of the manipulators themselves.


How Did This Start?

During the initial years of the Cold War, American strategists found themselves deeply engrossed in the perplexing question of how to effectively eradicate recalcitrant rulers who posed a hindrance to the nation’s interests, while simultaneously ensuring the retention of their countries and valuable resources under American control. The notion of deploying the formidable might of the US Marine Corps seemed overtly aggressive and risk-laden, prompting the search for alternative methods.

However, it was not until the 1960s that a groundbreaking solution materialized. Dubbed as “Economic Hit Men” or EHMs, this novel approach involved the utilization of private-sector contractors who were entrusted with executing the clandestine operations required to manipulate countries into harmonization with the United States. This covert strategy allowed for the achievement of desired outcomes while circumventing the overt use of military force.

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Tactics Used by Economic Hitmen

Debt trap diplomacy is a tactic used by economic hitmen to gain control over developing nations. It involves offering large loans to these countries that they are unable to repay. As a result, the borrowing country becomes heavily indebted to the lender. The lender then uses this debt as leverage to impose various conditions and policies that benefit their own interests. This can include political concessions, access to natural resources, or favorable trade agreements.

Manipulation of financial markets is another tactic employed by economic hitmen. They use various strategies to manipulate stock prices, currency exchange rates, and interest rates to their advantage. By doing so, they can create economic instability, weaken the target country’s economy, and gain more control over its financial system. This manipulation can lead to financial crises, inflation, and market speculation, which ultimately benefits the economic hitmen and their associated interests.

Exploitation of natural resources is a key tactic used by economic hitmen to extract wealth from developing nations. They often target countries with abundant natural resources, such as oil, minerals, or timber. Economic hitmen work with multinational corporations to secure favorable contracts that allow these companies to exploit the resources at the expense of the local population. This can lead to environmental degradation, displacement of indigenous communities, and unequal distribution of wealth.

What is the end result of such tactics?
They contribute to increased wealth inequality, impoverishment of developing nations, and dependence on foreign aid and loans.


Debt is utilized by Economic Hit Men to advance US interests globally.

Following World War II, the US government confronted a dilemma: How can national interests be advanced abroad without resorting to armed conflict and widespread casualties? On the surface, this may seem like a plea for global peace. However, the US government’s response was more sinister.

By the onset of the Cold War in the 1960s, the US possessed a compelling means to support its stance: the threat of nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, while such weaponry is immensely powerful, it is hardly practical for day-to-day negotiations. The US required a more effective approach to incentivize world leaders to promote US commercial interests without risking further bloodshed.

Thus, a new weapon was added to its arsenal: Economic Hit Men.

An Economic Hit Man, or EHM, is akin to a covert operative. Unlike James Bond, however, an EHM primarily relies on the art of persuasion. Instead of gadgets, an EHM employs bribes, coercion, and deceptive economic reports, all with the primary objective of pressuring nations to accept increasing amounts of economic aid from international organizations like the World Bank. Subsequently, this debt is utilized to influence policy decisions, particularly those pertaining to valuable natural resources such as oil. When countries are indebted, the US can rely on their loyalty, which also benefits major US corporations and affluent investors.

Through manipulated financial reports, EHMs convinced leaders that the programs they advocated would foster local economic growth. If a leader did not align with US interests or refused to cooperate, EHMs would assist in instigating coups, followed by rigged elections to ensure a more amenable replacement assumed power. EHMs also resorted to extortion, threats, and any other means necessary to achieve US political, economic, and military objectives.

However, in 1953, a CIA agent named Kermit Roosevelt orchestrated a coup in Iran to regain unrestricted access to its oil reserves. While the coup succeeded, the US recognized the perils of this dangerous game. Individuals like Roosevelt, who organized coups and exerted pressure through debt, were representatives of the US government. If their actions were exposed, it would pose a significant problem. The solution? Channel funds to private sector companies, which would then recruit and manage teams of EHMs worldwide. If these efforts went awry, they could only be traced back to these private corporations, shielding the CIA and US military from direct association.


The Impact of Economic Hitmen

Economic Consequences

Economic hitmen, as described in the article, have had significant economic consequences around the world. Three key consequences include increased wealth inequality, the impoverishment of developing nations, and dependence on foreign aid and loans.

1. Increased wealth inequality: Economic hitmen often promote policies that favor the interests of a small elite, leading to a widening wealth gap within societies. These policies may include deregulation, privatization, and trade agreements that benefit multinational corporations and the wealthy, while leaving the majority of the population with limited economic opportunities.

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2. Impoverishment of developing nations: Economic hitmen frequently target developing nations, taking advantage of their vulnerable economic conditions. They utilize various tactics, such as offering development loans with high interest rates or promoting projects that prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. These practices can lead to excessive debt burdens, limited resources for social welfare programs, and hindered economic growth.

To enhance the SEO of your content, consider expanding on how economic hitmen contribute to the impoverishment of developing nations. You can provide case studies or real-world examples to illustrate the impact.

3. Dependence on foreign aid and loans: Economic hitmen often create a cycle of dependency on foreign aid and loans within targeted countries. By intentionally keeping nations in debt, they ensure control and influence over their economic and political decisions. This reliance on external financial assistance can limit a country’s ability to pursue independent policies, make sovereign decisions, and prioritize the needs of their own citizens.


Political Consequences of EHMs

One of the major concerns that arises as a result of certain actions in the geopolitical arena is the gradual undermining of national sovereignty, which poses significant challenges for countries in asserting their authority and maintaining independent decision-making. Such a phenomenon can occur due to various factors, such as interference in internal affairs, economic coercion, or the establishment of power dynamics that overshadow the autonomy of a nation-state. This erosion of sovereignty not only weakens a country’s ability to govern and protect its interests but also diminishes its standing on the global stage, potentially leading to a loss of control over crucial aspects of national development and decision-making processes.

Another consequence that arises from certain geopolitical maneuvers is the installation of puppet governments, which entails the imposition of regimes that serve as mere puppets, beholden to external influences rather than genuinely representing the will and aspirations of their people. This manipulation of political power involves the strategic placement of leaders who prioritize external interests over the welfare and autonomy of their own citizens, compromising the authenticity and effect